23 février 2006

Des crocs

Ce 6 Avril, Lucienne, 5 ans, profite du premier jour des vacances de Pâques. Il est 8 h 30, elle prend son petit déjeuner. Soudain, 2 camions arrivent. Des hommes en sortent en courant, en criant, en frappant. Ils emménent Lucienne, et tous ses copains. Lucienne va mourir quelques jours plus tard, gazée à son arrivée à Auschwitz.
Ce 1er mai, Brahim, 29 ans, se promène le long des quais de Seine. Il a le malheur de croiser des skinheads qui viennent de quitter une manif' du FN. Il va mourir noyé, jeté du Pont du Carroussel.
Raphaël, 31 ans, est gendarme. Il essaie d'arrêter une course sauvage de motos. Il est percuté par un motard, est griévement blessé. Il n'est pas seul, des dizaines de personnes sont autour de lui. Mais ces personnes ne lui veulent pas du bien. Elles l'insultent, se réjouissent, et le laissent crever comme un chien.
Ilan a 23 ans. Il a un rendez vous, avec une fille. Et là il tombe dans un traquenard. Pendant 24 jours il va être battu, brulé, mutilé, torturé. Il en mourra.

On dit que l'Homme est un loup pour l'Homme. C'est très méchant envers les loups.

18 février 2006

<no comment>

My friend
You're always the last one to leave those dimly lit rooms
Making sure the last glass makes its way to the table empty
And every bottle in the place
Has been upside down at least a few times
What a waste
Is this what's left of you these days?
You're not 18
Anymore five years should have been enough time
For you to grow up and get over this
Not too cool
To be throwing up all morning sick
From what you might have done or done it with

I swear
If I could take your pain and frame it
And hang it on my wall
Maybe you would never have to hurt at all
I'm painting pictures in red and blue
A portrait bruised just like you
Now you're walking away
You're not 18
Anymore five years should have been enough time
For you to grow up and get over this
Not too cool
To be throwing up all morning sick
From what you might have done

When is enough
finally enough?
All the hang-ups and the heartbreaks get you past
All failures and bad breaks
Just accept yourself
Find something that brings you closer to complete

Painting pictures in red and blue
A portrait bruised just like you
And now you're walking away
You're not 18
Anymore five years should have been enough time
For you to grow up and get over this
Not too cool
To be throwing up all morning sick
From what you might of done or done it with

When is enough
finally enough?
When is enough
finally enough?

Masterpiece - Bayside

17 février 2006

Back to the 80's

Such a shame
To believe
In escape
'A life on every face'
But that's a change
Until I'm finally left with an '8'.

Tell me to relax - I just stare.
Maybe I don't know
If I should change
A feeling that we share.

It's a shame!

(Such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

It's a shame!

The dice decide my fate
That's a shame
In these trembling hands my faith
Tells me to react - I don't care
Maybe it's unkind
If I should change
A feeling that we share.

It's a shame!

(Such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such A shame!

Tell me to relax - I just stare.
Maybe I don't know
If I should change
A feeling that we share.
It's a shame

(such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste It's a shame (such a shame)
Write across my name
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such A Shame...

Talk Talk

8 février 2006

5 février 2006
